Medicaid Application for the Elderly

Filing a Medicaid Application for the Elderly is essential to obtain long-term care, but it can be an absolute nightmare if done alone. The Department of Children and Families approves and denies Medicaid Applications for the Elderly. They are the primary source of difficulty. The Department of Children and Families has a number of issues, one of which is that they are inadequately staffed to deal with the volume of cases coming in. This results in them being backlogged with Medicaid Applications for the Elderly, meaning they are not able to give the time and attention to detail that the applications require.

Filing a Medicaid Application for the Elderly Your Self:

Another issue with The Department of Children and Families when it comes to Medicaid Applications for the Elderly is that the case workers sometimes do not understand the protection strategies employed to protect excess countable assets, even though the process is explained through the provided documents.

Another issue with The Department of Children and Families when it comes to Medicaid Applications for the Elderly is that some of the case workers have bad attitudes and become obstinate and unwilling to admit mistakes. It is possible that some of the bad attitude comes from a combination of the complexity of the sophisticated protection strategies used and the fact that they are behind on cases. It is an unenviable position, and the result is that getting a Medicaid Application for the Elderly approved becomes a much bigger ordeal than it should.

All of these factors and likely more combine to mean that Medicaid Applications for the Elderly get denied in error or approved in error, which often means that some factor of the approval is incorrect and would be detrimental to the applicant, and approvals simply take far too long, leaving the applicant in the dark or with no or reduced benefits.

Case workers at The Department of Children and Families can also be very difficult to reach, meaning working out resolutions to the issues can be difficult and time consuming. These factors mean that it can be extremely difficult for individuals to get a Medicaid Application for the Elderly for themselves or a loved one approved on their own.


Thankfully, Platinum Benefit Services is here to help. We are the premier Medicaid Application for the Elderly processing firm in the state. In addition to helping guide families and collect documents and verifications for the application, and filing the application, we follow up regularly to ensure things are being approved properly. If they are not, we know whose feet to hold to the fire and what buttons to push to get the job done right. In over 27 years of service, we have obtained more than 14,000 approvals for our clients. If you want the help of the best around, contact Platinum Benefit Services today!

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