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A diet traditionally followed in Greece, Crete, southern France, and parts of Italy that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, olive oil.


Antony L. Turbeville

Founder - CEO

About Me

Platinum is the most customer oriented, outcome focused firm in the Medicaid Processing business. Not only do we fix normal problems, we are frequently hired to fix complex, and seemingly impossible problems created by others who have incorrectly handled the planning or application process.  

You can contact me on :

Phone : (863)838 5802

Email :  tony@platben.com

Timing :  Monday - Friday: 8 am EST - 5 pm EST

Important Documents For You

Comparison of services

Crisis Planning Visual

Testimonials-Vol 1

Testimonials-Vol II

Combined - No RC - No Test

Please note that we are neither Attorneys nor Paralegals.

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