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A diet traditionally followed in Greece, Crete, southern France, and parts of Italy that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, olive oil.


Ashley Bradley

VP of Marketing

About Me

As a seasoned professional in the field of senior care, Ashley Bradley brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Having served as a business office manager for various skilled nursing facilities, she joined the Platinum team in 2017 and has since assisted countless families in navigating the complex and often daunting process of Medicaid approval. With her unparalleled ability to maneuver through the multitude of options and administrative obstacles involved in this process, Ashley is an invaluable resource for those seeking Medicaid assistance. Her vast knowledge of strategies for obtaining Medicaid approval, combined with her intimate understanding of how senior care facilities operate, make her an ideal guide for anyone going through this process. Ashley's expertise will prove invaluable in your journey toward obtaining Medicaid. Her firsthand understanding of how senior care facilities operate will give you an edge in navigating this process with ease.

You can contact me on :

Phone :863-944-0739

Email :  ABradley@platben.com

Timing :  Monday - Friday: 8 am EST - 5 pm EST

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