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A diet traditionally followed in Greece, Crete, southern France, and parts of Italy that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, olive oil.


Shannon Laratonda

Marketing Liaison

About Me

Shannon Laratonda brings a unique combination of clinical experience and senior care knowledge to the Long-term Care Medicaid application process. Previously, she honed her kills in navigating Long Term Care (LTC) living options and ensuring the well-being of elderly individuals. Her background in clinical Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine, as well as senior placement, provides a comprehensive understanding of the needs of our elder population to guide them through the Medicaid LTC options. 

Key Skills:

1. Senior Care Expertise: Deep understanding of senior needs, challenges, and resources.

2. Client Advocacy: Strong focus on securing the best possible healthcare benefits for seniors. 

3. Empathetic Communication: 9 years of experience with the senior population, honed her ability to explain complex medical and financial information clearly and empathetically with seniors, addressing their concerns and building trust during a potentially stressful time.

4. Healthcare Knowledge: Her clinical background provides valuable insights into healthcare needs and eligibility requirements, allowing me to effectively represent seniors' medical situations.

This combination of skills allows Shannon to effectively assist seniors, and their families, in navigating Medicaid LTC options with confidence and efficiency.

You can contact me on :

Phone : 727-947-0394

Email :  S.Laratonda@platben.com

Timing :  Monday - Friday: 8 am EST - 5 pm EST

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