Florida Nursing Home Medicaid Rules

Medicaid is a limited-income healthcare program for elders, and federal and state governments fund this program. In Florida, Medicaid eligibility for long-term nursing home care is solely based on the assets and the income of the Medicaid applicant. Plus, the assets and income of the applicant's spouse get counted under this program.

Here is everything you must know about Florida nursing home Medicaid rules.

Medicaid Eligibility in Florida:

Medicaid eligibility for nursing home care in Florida is completely based on a combination of financial and medical factors. To qualify for the Medicaid program, the applicants must know Florida nursing home Medicaid rules.

Income Limits:

The Medicaid program is for low-income individuals. Therefore, an income limit exists for Medicaid eligibility for nursing home care. The monthly income limit for the applicant shouldn't exceed $2,742. If the income exceeds this lime, the applicants have to set up a Qualified Income Trust (Miller Trust) to become eligible for this program. Excess income of the individual goes to the trust in order to meet the Medicaid requirements.

Asset Limits:

Florida nursing home Medicaid rules come with strict asset limits. According to the rule, the applicant can’t have more than $2,000 in countable assets. The countable assets include cash, bank accounts, investment, real estate, and other valuable properties that the applicant owns. However, there are particular assets that are considered exempt from this list, such as vehicles, personal belongings, and burial funds. It is crucial to ensure that the assets don't cross these limits.

Five-Year Lookback Period:

Florida Medicaid rules include a five-year lookback period while reviewing the asset transfers or gifts. Any assets transferred or gifted during this period may attract a penalty period of Medicaid. To avoid such issues, the applicants need proper planning and should present documents and asset transfers to the authorities.

Medical Requirements:

Florida nursing home Medicaid rules emphasize the requirement of physician's recommendations to access the level of care. The physician has to assess and certify the medical requirement of nursing home care as part of the Medicaid application process.

Application Process:

There are two ways to forward your Medicaid application in Florida. It can be done either through the ACCESS Florida website or by visiting the local Department of Children and Families office. You have to present the documentation to support the income, assets, and medical requirements for nursing home care.


The elders and their families need to understand Florida nursing home Medicaid rules. By adhering to the income and asset limits, they can forward their application by gathering the necessary documents. Considering all these rules and regulations, you can easily elevate the chance of getting qualified for Medicaid coverage for nursing home care.

Platinum Benefit Services, Inc. offers assistance to elders to qualify for Medicaid benefits in Florida. Having years of experience in this field, it delivers outstanding results by slashing any chance of rejection of a Medicaid application. Platinum Benefit Services, Inc. offers expert Medicaid planning assistance for the elderly. Led by a team of professionals, it can ensure that you will avail all the Medicaid benefits while securing the assets.

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