Look Out for These Road Blocks to Medicaid for Nursing Home Care
Medicaid for Nursing Home Care is a great Resource for individuals or couples who need financial assistance with the cost of long-term care as they age. Whether a skilled nursing facility, assisted living, or in-home care is needed, Medicaid for Nursing Home Care can help. Unfortunately, there are roadblocks that can cause big issues.
Things to Look Out for When Seeking Medicaid for Nursing Home Care:
Believe it or not, one of the biggest obstacles to obtaining Medicaid for Nursing Home Care is actually the Department that approves or denies applications, The Department of Children and Families. The Department of Children and Families, or DCF, is inadequately staffed and unequipped to handle the caseload and complexity of Medicaid for Nursing Home Care applications. Because of this, applications take much longer to be approved than they should, and are often denied in error or approved but with errors.
The Department of Children and Families will sometimes deny Medicaid for Nursing Home Care applications because they allegedly did not receive all pages of the application packets via fax. However, faxes have pages that show how many pages are in the file. With this in mind, it seems reasonable to assume that if a DCF case worker received a Medicaid for Nursing Home Care Application packet that actually contained only 12 pages when the cover page states that the packet contains 130 pages, that the DCF case worker would reach out to the individual submitting the application. This does not always happen, and if it does, it may not be in a timely manner. This results in a battle to prove that all of the documentation needed to approve the Medicaid for Nursing Home Care Application was provided, which eats away valuable time.
What’s more, The Department of Children and Families will sometimes approve a Medicaid for Nursing Home Care Application, but they will approve it incorrectly. This means that they may get the month in which eligibility is to begin incorrect, they may overstate the amount of patient responsibility due each month, etc.
This just scratches the surface of how DCF can make filing a Medicaid for Nursing Home care application a nightmare. Luckily, Platinum Benefit Services specializes in holding their feet to the fire to ensure proper approvals. We have served our clients for over 27 years and have obtained well over 14,000 approvals in that time. We work relentlessly to ensure that, with the aid of appropriate legal counsel, our clients’ assets are being protected in a way that is best for them and that their applications for Medicaid for Nursing Home Care are being approved in the correct manner.
Don’t let incompetence and lack of effort on the part of The Department of Children and families stop you or a loved one from obtaining needed benefits. If you want to ensure that you or a loved one is receiving the best possible care and service to protect hard-earned assets and obtain a proper approval, contact Platinum Benefit Services today.